Let us never consider ourselves finished, nurses. We must be learning all of our lives.
- Florence Nightingale
Welcome RN's, LPN's and Allied Healthcare Workers​
Since its founding in 1992, Diversified Nursing Services has been providing continuing education to Alabama's nurses and social workers, and we have been glad to be serving Alabama's Occupational Therapists and their assistants since 2003. Currently Nurses and Occupational Therapists may obtain all of their CEUS through home study, while social workers are allowed to obtain 20 out of 24 units in this manner. Diversified Nursing Services offers modules on a wide variety of healthcare issues in order to serve the diverse needs of the modern healthcare worker. We are approved by the Alabama State Board of Nursing. (ABN PO436) ​
All home studies are available immediately as .pdf, if you would like a different format you can purchase the home study and then send us an email. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, you must first purchase, send an email requesting the hard copy, and pay an additional $5 to cover costs. Thank you for doing your business with DNS.